What Is Classified Ads In SEO?

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It is a Google AdSense ad that appear when someone searches for terms of your choice. If a user clicks on the ad, the blog owner or blogger will receive money and often they will also make money from other advertiser’s ads appearing on their site. The term classifieds are often used by SEO professionals to refer to these types of ads.

Often, these are text-based ads that you can edit yourself, if you have some experience with HTML coding and website design. There are also many services out there offering more flashy classified ad designs in exchange for a monthly fee.

Use Of Classified Ads

Promotes Products:

A good number of people who visit blogs will eventually make a purchase especially if they have been searching for something for quite some time. Once they have found what they are looking for, they will then proceed to the vendor’s store. A blog owner could even capitalize on this by offering his/her own catalogue of products or services through blogs bringing in more traffic to the site.

Advertises Offline Businesses:

Blogging is a great way to make the public aware of your business. You can talk about the importance of your company or service in the community. The readers will see how professional you are and this will attract potential clients. Blogs are often used by companies as a means through which they can spread awareness to the general public and this is exactly what classified ads do.

Attracts Consumers:

Using classified ads, blogs and websites can easily attract a larger audience. This is done by having a good headline and description that persuades the readers to click on the ad.

Boosts SEO:

Blogs are great way to get a higher ranking on search engines and this is especially through the use of classified ads. They are the most visited pages of a website and because they are ads, they will likely be linked by many other online sites thus benefiting your site’s SEO.

This is author biographical info, that can be used to tell more about you, your iterests, background and experience. You can change it on Admin > Users > Your Profile > Biographical Info page."

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